Texas Roof Management is an awarded vendor for roofing services with The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS). Under cooperative contract #24010402, Texas Roof Management assists our public sector customers with roofing services ranging from small scale repairs to major roof replacement projects.
Benefits of Utilizing Cooperative Purchasing:
- Access to competitively bid and awarded roofing contract with local, best-in-class contractor
- Savings of time and money, while satisfying agency bid requirements
- Flexibility to work with any major roofing manufacturer
- Buying power of a national contract
- Compliance review of all proposals by the lead government agency
- Confidence that pricing has been reviewed and approved by TIPS
- Streamlined procurement process which results in fast and timely delivery of projects
TIPS-USA is a national purchasing cooperative that leverages the purchasing power of governmental entities in all 50 states. It is available for use by more than 90,000 Public and Private Schools, Colleges, Universities, Cities, Counties, and non-profit agencies. TIPS bids and awards contracts to vendors in accordance with procedures mandated by state procurement laws and regulations.
By taking advantage of TIPS expedited contract procurement process and Texas Roof Management’s superior service, you can be confident that your next roofing project will be completed by a best-in-class contractor at a competitive price.