Why You Should Choose Built-Up Roofing in Frisco, TX
Things To Know About Built-Up Roofing
Did you know that built-up roofing is the most popular material used on low-slope roofs today? This is a common option for commercial buildings, but some residential buildings may also use this type of roof system. Often made from layers of tar, gravel and reinforcing fabrics, a built-up roof boasts a myriad of benefits to the commercial building owner – so it would make sense to look into such a system if you’re involved with a commercial property, wouldn’t it? We would absolutely agree, and that’s why we’re going to provide you with information concerning built- up roofing in Frisco, TX.
Several layers of bitumen surfaces comprise built-up roofs, and they’re often finished with an aggregate coating or layer. Recent advancements in built-up products incorporate a rigid insulation layer as part of the built-up roofing; the fabrics or layers used on built-up roofs are known as “ply sheets”, and are usually reinforced with organic or fiberglass mats, depending on the application they’re being used for.
Types of Built-Up Roofing
There are a number of built-up roofing choices to select from beyond the aforementioned basic variant; the surfacing and materials used on built-up roofing are varied and may depend entirely on your project and the budget allocated.
- Asphalt Built-Up (Hot or Cold) – The bitumen material commonly used in built-up roofing is made of coal tar, asphalt or cold-applied adhesive.
- Ballasted Asphalt Built-Up – Now put into use more regularly than before, this material can provide a superior finish surface and is a better fire-retardant agent.
- Cold Built-Up Roofing – Rather than requiring hot asphalt for application, this can be applied as a spray with a squeegee; it does not exude toxic fumes, thus making it more ideal for environmentally-conscious projects. Further, cold built-up does not depend on weather and promises superior performance when compared to hot built-up roofing.
The Pros of Built-Up Roofing
In short, the major advantages of installing built- up roofing in Frisco, TX include:
- It provides excellent waterproofing protection
- It provides ultra-violet protection
- It is low-maintenance
- It lasts longer with regard to weather inclemency
- Minerals or gravels can be used as surfacing material
- It offers low-life cost maintenance
Keep in mind, like everything else in our lives that is used on a day-in, day-out basis around the clock, built-up roofs might get damaged as time passes, and the proper roof maintenance should be considered to restore these areas. As experts in these matters, Texas Roof Management can tell you that the most common problems with built-up roofs include:
- Open Joints – To repair open joints, cement is added under the open seam and held down so the substrate can adhere to it.
- Small Blisters – These can be repaired easily; using a knife, the blister is cut and allowed to dry, with the damp top layers cut down until a dry layer is reached. The felts are removed and new ones are installed over the area, asphalt is applied and chippings are covered.
- Undulations – Roofing undulations are repaired by way of adding layers on top of the area to level it.
- Cracks – Cracks on the surface of the asphalt are easy to fix; the area of debris and gravel is cleaned and a coat of asphalt cement is applied over the area before roofing felt is installed. This process is repeated again until a final coat of asphalt cement is applied and gravel is placed atop the cement.
Built-up roof membranes, referred to by their acronym “BUR,” have been in use in the U.S. for more than 100 years. They have earned a tried-and-true reputation due to their stability during heavy traffic or when there exists the potential for mechanical abuse on the roof, as the roof membrane tends to be thicker and more substantial than other systems.
When it comes to choosing built- up roofing in Frisco, TX, only an expert such as Texas Roof Management should be trusted to ensure the job is done right.
Learn more about built-up roofing, call (972) 272-7663.
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